Where an opportunity has led to the parties saving money, each of the projects records their estimated savings in the application. This allows for reporting by the participating organisations and the governing bodies. Organisations using SmarterWX will be able to report on the total savings generated through smarter street works collaboration.
Category: Administrator Workflows
SmarterWX reports can be accessed from the Reports menu button on the main navigation bar. The reports available to you will depend on your user role. Each report has its own set of filters and selections. To run a report select it from the Reports menu, set your required filters and hit GO. Formatting, Sorting and Filtering Additional options […]
Administrator – Highest level of access within the system. The user has access to all areas within SmarterWX and can perform all tasks Areas of Interest – Any user in the system can define multiple areas of interest. Any projects or exclusion zones that are added, updated or removed from the area of interest will be […]
How to Edit your User Profile
You are able to edit the following fields within your user profile: Avatar Icon First Name Last Name Phone Number Email preferences Password To edit your details, follow the below instructions: Click on the avatar (solid blue circle with your initials) in the top right-hand corner of your web browser Select Edit Profile from the menu […]
Confirming your Administrator Account
When your subscription to SmarterWX is first activated, the nominated Administrator for your organisation will receive an email, with a link to the SmarterWX webpage and instructions on setting up your password. Your password must be at least 8 characters in length and contain 1 uppercase letter, 1 lowercase letter, 1 digit and 1 symbol. After […]
User Roles
In SmarterWX, access to functionality is controlled by defining a role hierarchy. A role hierarchy represents a level of access that a user or group of users require. Users assigned to roles near the top of the hierarchy (Administrators and Publishers) have access to the functions of all the users who fall directly below them […]
How to Manage your Users
Adding users The user management panel enables Administrators to add new users and change roles (permissions) for existing users. To add users to your organisation follow the below steps: Click the avatar in the top right corner of the page (default avatar is a solid blue circle with your initials in white) Select Organisation Users from […]